Topic: ‘The Perfect Sacrifice’
Text: “So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished.’ And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit” (John 19:30).


Today commemorates the day our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world went to Golgotha around two thousand years ago to pay the ultimate price for human salvation on the cross at Calvary.

It was indeed a perfect sacrifice that requires nothing more to reconcile man to God. In this regard, it is written in Hebrew 10:14, “For by one offering, He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” Before given up His spirit, Jesus said, ‘It is finished’, meaning, the salvation process is completed, and the price is fully paid for man’s freedom from all satanic entanglements. The Bible says, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you are free indeed” (John 8:36). Jesus the Lamb of God, the God-sent deliverer has set us free and so we are free indeed. Halleluiah!

Jesus did His part, what is your gesture to the salvation He has wrought for you and me with His precious, and priceless blood? Do we treasure it or trivialise it, taking it for granted? This salvation might have been at no cost to us, but it cost God the life of Jesus, His only begotten Son. Hence, it should be appreciated and treasured. Beloved in Christ let’s not be ingrates!

May we continue to enjoy the innumerable benefits of this salvific act till eternity; this perfect sacrifice will not be in vain in our lives in the name of Jesus. Amen.

My Father in heaven, I thank you for Your love in giving Jesus Christ your Son as a ransom for my sins. Lord Jesus thank you for the once and for all sacrifice You made for my redemption. Help me Lord to value and treasure this invaluable loving gesture and to enjoy it till eternity. I pray in Your name. Amen.

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