Day 2 of 2024 40 Days P&F/Lenten Program.

Topic: Appreciation to God for His unfailing faithfulness over His Church.

Texts: Matt. 16:18; Lam. 3:22-23.


Our appreciation to God continues today; doing this in spirit and in truth will undoubtedly be rewardable.

We are appreciating God for His faithfulness to His universal church, including His church in this church domain. Many waters have passed under the bridge, but we have not been carried away with them!

Prophet Jeremiah equips in Lamentations 3:22-23, “Through the LORD’S mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Great indeed has been God’s faithfulness towards us more so when we call to mind that many waters have passed under the bridge without us being sank in these, rather we are afloat because we stand on Jesus the solid Rock of ages.

Imagine the boisterous and fairy storm and tide waves of different kinds that continue to blow against the church as masterminded by the adversaries of the church, human and non-human with the intent of discrediting and causing the church to go under. However, the words of Jesus, the Groom of the church in Matt. 16:18 has remained standing and efficacious in the face of negativities. The church is built on the solid Rock and no gates of hell has been able and will ever be able to prevail again her. The faithfulness of God has made it to be so. For this we owe Him our appreciation.

May our appreciation be acceptable to God; may He continue to keep His church steadfast and immovable in the name of Jesus.

God bless you. SHALOM.

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